Creation through Obsession

Creation through Obsession

Many years ago, it was Christmas time, and instead of traveling back to the mainland to be with family I stayed home and did a water fast in my studio on the North Shore of Oahu. During the fast I was fixated on food more than usual and dreamed up all kinds of food ideas and products to sell at the farmers market. I had bought a machine to make a fermented rice and lentil bread I'd heard about that was popular in India and with this machine you could also make chocolate, tahini and nut butters. I had a very strong appreciation for the fresh ground peanut butter from Whole Foods and decided to experiment with new to me varieties of nuts. Cashews, brazil, macadamia, pumpkin seeds, pistachio to name a few. It was breadfruit season and so I was making ulu pancakes often and the macadamia pistachio butter quickly caught my attention the attention of anyone who came over to enjoy a meal of this island treat. I would even bring it to parties and have people try this delicious new delicacy. Being a foodie who cares about quality and also a health nut means I make the majority of my own meals and sauces. Over the years through a process of elimination and purification I've determined what foods are safe and make my gut feel good and what foods are potentially hazardous or contaminated. This new tropical nut butter quickly took top spot for all my indulgent nut butter needs. Flash forward 5 years later and I was ready to bring some products to the market. A colorful Hawaiian rainbow display of macadamia cashew butter we call Maka Butter. Flavored and mixed with all natural food powders made all the sense in the world. I bring a commitment to quality and gut friendliness to my products. I'm excited to share them and am open to any suggestions you may have for more healthy and safe foods you'd like to see in the world.
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